Review: I'll Be You - Janelle Brown


Format: Audiobook


Book - 5 Stars 

Audio Performance - 5 Stars (Julia Whelan aka Gone Girl narrator! + Kate Rudd aka Fault in Our Stars narrator!)


How can two genetically identical twins be so different? 

Elli is the stable twin, constant, perfect. After the twins move on from childhood acting, Elli fades into mundane suburban life. When she finds a new self help group, she loses every sense of herself while finding to find out who she really is. 

Sam is the unreliable, former addict twin. She is called to step in for her sister, when Elli goes off to a "retreat". When Sam does some more digging because something seems off about Elli's retreat.

I'll Be You is the story of how the sisters reunite, and reflect on their unique twin relationship. 

50% Progress Check:

Oof - twist! If I was actually paying attention I might have seen it, but dang! I love the colorful writing, as usual, Brown is an excellent world builder and character creator. 

Immediate Completion Thoughts:

Why is it over? I wanted to hear so much more. 

Most Surprising Moment:


This Book Reminds Me Of:

NXIVM + Birds of California + The Girls

I Wish I Could Ask the Author:

Does Elli ever end up with her own lil' family? Is justice ever served? 

Final Thoughts: 

I think the cult portion of the book in Elli's half was so interesting. The slow fade of Elli losing her individual identity, and being swayed by Iona made me sympathetic to Elli. However, when the incident eventually happens, and Elli firmly shows her loyalty to the cult. Elli to me is a bit more the more interesting twin. She settles in her life for her husband, career and life in general, in a way rebelling from Sam's life of turbulence. And then in an effort to "get what she wants" she rebels from the life she settled/ insists that she chose. Part of me is like, "Did she really want this life? Because she seems to constantly compare herself to her sister?"

Sam felt more like a way to drive the story forward, but also had a SO MANY redeeming moments with Charlotte and her life in LA would be interesting to explore. Sam was such a terrible person as the book went on, but ultimately, how can you not be a fan? 

UGH the parent though. Hated the mom, felt neutral to negative to the father. They were both in their own way enablers and not at all present - again, super realistic characters, brilliantly written.

Closing thoughts, I could read more about Elli and Sam's life honestly. I feel like there's more story to tell! 
