Review: Every Last Lie - Mary Kubica


Audiobook (Audible)


3 Stars


When a Clara, mother of 2, is faced with the grief of her husband Nick, freak car accident she finds that Nick may not be the man she thought she married. She is determined to prove that Nick's death wasn't his fault, and instead, that someone was out for his blood. Dual perspective of Clara and Nick gives clues to whodunnit, allows readers to find sympathy for Nick, and breeds anger for Clara.

50% Progress Check:

In standard Mary Kubica style, so many red herrings! I can't begin to guess who has true motives, and who is sinister. 

Immediate Completion Thoughts:

I am a little disappointed to be honest, BUT nonetheless, I love a good Kubica book. 

Most Surprising Moment:

Well, you'll have to read it but -


Least Favorite Moment:

Any scene with Nick's forgettable friend honestly. Also - the ooey-gooey love that he has for his wife is a little barfy. 

Favorite Moment: 

The Clara and her father dynamic is so interesting to me and feels more genuine than most moments in this. 

This Book Reminds Me Of: 

I swear I've seen a movie like this, but I can't put my finger on it. 

What I wish I could ask the Author: 

