Review: Hello Sunshine - Laura Dave


Audiobook (Audible)


3.5 Stars 


When Sunshine McKenzie is hacked, her shiny, Instagram worthy life crumbles. She returns home with her tail between her legs and must decide if she should continue her lie, or "live her new truth". 

50% Progress Check:

I'm trying to decide if I should like Sunny or not, and honestly, if I should like her sister. 

Immediate Completion Thoughts:

Ehhh - I'm glad Sunny saw the [sun]light. It felt to me like there was more to explore in this story. I wish it was longer so I could see more of what I felt was missing. I felt like there was more to explore in her family history, and more on the table of exactly how she got famous. 

Most Surprising Moment:

The Hacker's true identity. 

Least Favorite Moment:

Basically no consequences for the hacker...

Favorite Moment: 

All of the buddy moments with Sunny's niece. It felt a little syrupy, but honestly was redeeming for Sunny. 

This Book Reminds Me Of:

Back in the Burbs - Avery Flynn and Tracy Wolff

I Wish I Could Ask the Author:

If Sunny was to get her redemption novel/series, what would that look like for her ex? 


Despite my 3.5 star review, I did devour this audiobook at 1.25 speed [because ADHD]. I listened to this while I made 3 loaves of sourdough bread in my new dutch oven and cleaned my kitchen thoroughly, so it was quite a fitting listen. After finishing the book, rating, and perusing Goodreads I saw a few comments saying it felt like Sweet Home Alabama, which I think is a little unfounded. It's a unique read, at least to me, as I have really only read 2 books referencing Instagram famous main characters, and this one was one of the better ones. Maybe it's my love for schadenfreude, but I loved that the liar got what was coming to her, and the shriveled heart in my chest did grow a few sizes when everything worked out for her in the end. 
