Review: Lucky - Marissa Stapley


Audible (Audible)


Overall: 3 Stars

Audiobook Performance: 1 Star - Robotic and lilted speaking pattern was distracting. 


Lucky is a young woman whose luck has run out. Her life of swindling and swiping has finally caught up with her, and now she's on the run from money laundering charges, searching for a solid place to land, and also searching for who she really is. Nothing in her life has ever gone right and even when she felt like she was in a safe place, she knew that bad luck was lurking around the corner. 

50% Progress Check:

It's a little hard to follow at times, simply because I think I'm reading this in the wrong format. It's hard to keep track of dates in an audiobook, but overall I'm hooked.

Immediate Completion Thoughts:

It was so promising to start with but lost steam about 3/4 of the way through. I think there were too many plots going on and you lose a lot of the meaning in each sideplot because they all seem to fizzle. It was captivating, because the overarching plot was interesting, but very distracted. 

Most Surprising Moment:

Who Carey really was. I was expecting the first romance to be a love lost, not a slimeball. 

Least Favorite Moment:

Going back to Priscilla really, really, really didn't make any sense. And John getting out on time served seemed to be...well too convenient. 

This Book Reminds Me Of:

Pretty Little Things by Janelle Brown 

I Wish I Could Ask the Author:

Where is Reyes, and what is her story? What happened with Stephanie and her family?

Final Thoughts: 

I wish Lucky had a redemption, she never seemed to feel bad for any of her actions and in the end is rewarded for getting revenge on Pricilla. I wish this book was longer because there was a lot of opportunity to have a colorful and complex cast of characters, but instead each story is cut short and surprisingly predictable. 
