Review: Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales

 Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. 




3 Stars


Maya is a young woman scorned by a cheating ex-boyfriend. When she finds out he'll be on a new dating reality show, she's determined to hurt him in the same way he hurt her. At first, she finds a challenge in Skye as her archnemesis, but surprisingly falls in love. Never Getting Back Together is purely revenge and romance. 

50% Progress Check:

The beginning chapters were interesting and it was nice to get some background on Maya. I wasn't expecting the alternating perspective between Maya and Skye. It feels like a book I would have loved in high school.  

Immediate Completion Thoughts:

I found myself skimming a lot of the later chapters as it didn't feel authentic. The majority of the book was dialogue so it got a little exhausting and hard to dive into the world. Also the royalty being mixed in felt a little out of place. 

This Book Reminds Me Of:

John Tucker Must Die meets The Bachelor

Final Thoughts: 

I went into this book expecting a new adult book, but got a young adult book. The overall plot seemed very fantastical, don't get me wrong, I was totally on board for it. There was quite a bit of dialogue so it felt a little like reading the transcript of a Bachelor episode - again I'm here for it. I just wished there was bit more world building and a bit more back story. The Skye/Maya romance was cute and felt meaningful. 3/5 for being cute, readable, and scratching my YA itch. 
