Who the Heck is Rose?

 Greetings Fellow Readers. You may be asking yourself, who the heck is Rose? Well, I'm a construction worker by day, and reader and writer by night. I devour books - mostly in the form of audiobooks as I live the luxury of driving an hour into work in Seattle every day. Plenty of down time to explore other realms. 

In terms of reading preferences - I love mysteries, thrillers, and romance. 

I'm currently working on 3 WIP books, one fiction, and two romance novels. I pop around to each of them but am so, so hesitant to publish until they are perfect. 

So, I started this blog to share my love of reading, and hope some day to host an online book club, and eventually a Booktok or Booktube! I've found that the books I read don't usually have a mass following, so I'd like to have a little community to talk to about it!

Drop a comment and tell me where you're from, your favorite book, and what you'd like to chat about! 
