Review: Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt

 Format: Audiobook


Overall - 4.5 Stars rounded to 5 for Goodreads

Performance - 3 Stars (the narrator couldn't pronounce a handful of PNW standard words!)


Tova is a septuagenarian who lives a quiet routine life, between crosswords and cleaning the local aquarium in fictitious Sowell Bay. She lost her son years ago and recently lost her husband and brother. She is the only person left in her family, faced with the challenge of moving on. 

Cameron is a thirty-year-old burn-out, who can't seem to catch a break. He ventures to Sowell Bay to find his long-lost father, whom he believes is a multi-millionaire real estate tycoon. 

Marcellus is a cephalopod observing it all.

50% Progress Check: 

I'm powering through this. I'm having a little trouble connecting with Cameron since he's kind of a manchild. Loving Marcellus. 

Immediate Completion Thoughts: 

I'm so glad we have a happy ending! 

Most Surprising Moment:

TBH When Tova agreed to the not-a-date date.

Final Thoughts: 

Ok, it took me a while to get fully into this book - itt was a little slow, to begin with. I felt we could do with less Cameron time. Also moderately surprised that Ethan wasn't talked more about/ we didn't get more of his perspective. BUT, Sowell Bay was a real place in my head, and it felt so real. Characters were well thought out and had actual growth. Great book!
