eARC Review: One in a Millennial by Kate Kennedy

I read this book with no idea who Kate Kennedy was and not having listening to her podcast. I had a difficult time with this book and battled between wanting to like it because nostalgia, and trying not to dislike it because it's kind of (don't hate me for this) cringey. I jumped in thinking this would be more of a narrative on Millennials as a whole and how trends etc. shaped our mindsets, but it ended up being an informative explanation of each decade us Millennials have lived. There is such a thing as too many throwbacks and references. There were multiple times throughout this book where I could not get through a page because I was so lost with how many references to pop culture/trends etc, while I appreciated remembering jelly bracelets and Abercrombie and the various lipglosses, I didn't find the deeper connection I was hoping for. It was ramble-y and really tough to get through. 

I'm giving this 3/5 stars, as I like it well enough as a reminder of all the fun trends, and explanations of American girl dolls, etc, but I didn't see what the blurb on the book was giving, which suggested more analysis of trends, and less retelling. 

Thank you St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for my honest review. 
