Unpopular Opinion - Not a Fan of "I'm Glad My Mom Died"

Ok, I'm Sorry. I'm not going to rate this book, but these are my honest thoughts. I was not originally going to read I'm Glad My Mom Died for a handful of reasons. 

  1. I thought it would be triggering
  2. I thought it might be overhyped
  3. I didn't really care about, nor know anything about Jenette McCurdy
  4. I have 40 other books on my TBR list
  5. I usually don't like celebrity autobiographies. 
But, I read it anyway, and I  don't know how I can be disappointed in a book I originally didn't care about but here we are. Mostly read it because there were snippets of the audiobook on Tiktok that had me intrigued enough to dive into it. So, I bought the audiobook and I listened to it while I deep cleaned my house. And well usually, the audiobook makes me like a book more but... I'm very sorry to say, I'm disappointed in this book. 

Here's what happened to my list of reasons after I read it:

  1. It surprisingly, was not as triggering as I was expecting. There were a handful of moments throughout that were very hard to listen to, however didn't set any of my triggers. Did some portions of the book leave me very uncomfortable? Totally. The sexual assault portion was uncomfortable to read, but I'm not upset that it's in the book. I think the general population needed to read about this and understand what happens behind closed doors for actors, especially child actors. 
  2. Not overhyped. Not underhyped. I feel like it was an appropriate amount of hype. 
  3.  I am party neutral to Jenette McCurdy. I think she has drifted off into the anonymous life of being a regular person, which, good for you Glen Coco, I hope that's what you wanted. Genuinely. 
  4. My list of TBRs has not changed... this wasn't helpful. 
  5. The author is not a writer. This is one of those times where I wish the author had a ghost writer, or had an editor or had a little bit more guidance. There were times where it felt like she was just reading me her diary. Does that make it authentic? Yes totally. Is the diary well written? No. It's a lot of "this happened, then this happened then this happened". Each event is described in a lot of gory detail. I remember a handful of moments about vomiting or eating that were so graphic in detail and I was like, 'okay, you've done this already I know.' I'm sorry. I thought this book would be a lot deeper and introspective. Yes this is an autobiography it's literally about her life so it should feel like a diary but I don't think I've become better or worse of a person for reading this book.
So how am I disappointed? Well, I wanted more substance to this book. It was all very surface level, and the surface level of a lot of the stories were awful experiences and I feel terrible for the things she experienced, but I think it could have benefited from some look to the future.  Did I miss the point of this book? I don't know. 

Ok I feel weird even writing this review so I'm going to end it. 
