Release Day Review: Lotus - Jennifer Hartman

 Happy Release Day! 

I have had Lotus on my TBR for a few months ever since reading the blurb a while back. As soon as I started reading, I could. not. put. it. down. I didn't want to eat, sleep or do anything else until I was done. This story is all the "-ing"s : captivating, heart warming and fascinating. 

Summary: Oliver returns to "real life" after 22 years in captivity. He finds only his childhood crush, Sydney had still been holding out hope for his return. Sydney had been holding onto her childhood dream, until finally it came true. Oliver navigates his new world, with the help of Sydney, as she battles internally with what her heart has always wanted, and what's right for Oliver. 

The Good: 

  • Oliver. All of Oliver is fascinating and genuine. I thought he was well written and well thought out. 
  • The setting - I felt like the town, neighborhood and the rest of the characters were detailed 
  • The writing - poignant enough, while not being pretentious. 

The Not as Good: 

  • Sydney was very unlikable, and not in the way that I normally enjoy, her priorities were very very skewed and unrealistic. There were no real redeeming qualities I found, and she was more like a name or stand in. 
  • The twists. I thought this book should be shorter. I felt like the overall twist wasn't as successful as it could have been.  


Read it. Read it now. You won't be able to put it down or think about any other books for a while. 

Thank you to Bloom Books for this ARC Copy in exchange for my honest review. 
